Join world-wide expedition leader Jason South and his team of elite guides as they travel throughout the entire state of Michigan in search of the hottest fishing and hunting action. Each week features another adventure exploring one of the hundreds of unique outdoor destinations in Michigan.
Jason has traveled the world over leading expeditions in search of the finest fish and game. His travels led him to 5 continents around the world experiencing hunting and fishing adventures that most can only dream of. During the past 30 years Jason has been on more than 200 hunts in Canada, Alaska, Mexico and most all Western states and has hunted several countries in South America and Africa. Jason is also a professional angler with an extremely diversified background having caught dozens of species world-wide and participating in multiple tournaments and seminars. Jason is the CEO of Silver King Multimedia and now resides in Boyne City, Michigan where he believes the outdoor adventures are endless. Join Jason each week for another Michigan Adventure Quest!
The Michigan Adventure Quest Team is proud to announce the kickoff of Season 1! The crew will be traveling throughout Michigan in search of the top fishing and hunting destinations and bringing the adventures home to you! Follow along on adventures from the Upper Peninsula to Lake St. Clair and beyond. The new series is produced by Silver King Multimedia.
The adventure series is now featured on FOX and The CW Network throughout Michigan and the Upper Peninsula every Sunday morning. Plus featured on Outdoor America nationwide. Michigan Adventure Quest can now be seen on 24 different streaming platforms including ROKU, HULU, ZUMO, SamSung TV, Apple TV and more!